8月23日(月)に「M L Gsグローバルミーティング」を実施しました。
*English below
さらに、ゲストとして、J I C Aより藤村俊樹さまが登壇くださいました。
そして、M L Gsや滋賀県、琵琶湖に関する基本情報の発表を司会の私、畠より行いました。

その後のチームごとでのディスカッションでは、主にM L Gsや滋賀県、琵琶湖に関する発表の感想や考えたことの共有と、学生間での自由な質問タイムとしました。全3チーム、それぞれ初対面の人との英語での会話で戸惑う様子も見られましたが、その後の全体共有では沢山お話しできたという声や、M L Gsから考えられる次の課題、S D Gsとの繋がりなど発展的に考えているチームも見受けられました。



Hello, my name is Marina Hata from Impact Lab.
We held MLGs Global Meeting on August 23rd!
About 30 participants gathered from inside and outside of the Shiga prefecture, including Japanese and overseas students, as well as adults from the government and companies as observers. For the overseas students, we narrowed down the target to those from Southeast Asia. A total of six students from Vietnam and Indonesia joined us. There was also a wide range of Japanese students from junior high school to university.
In addition, Mr. Toshiki Fujimura from JICA joined us as a guest speaker.
First, the participants introduced themselves to each other. I think it was a good greeting for each of us, as we got to know people from different backgrounds, people who are used to English and people who are not, people who live in Shiga and people who do not, for instance.
Then, Marina which is me, the moderator, gave a presentation on basic information about MLGs, Shiga Prefecture and Lake Biwa.

During the team discussion time, students shared their thoughts and impressions of the presentations on MLGs, Shiga Prefecture and Lake Biwa, and asked questions freely among themselves. All three teams seemed very nervous talking in English with people they had never met before, but afterwards, they said that they were able to talk a lot, and some of the teams were thinking about the next issues that could be considered from the MLGs and the connection with SDGs.

After the plenary session, Mr. Fujimura shared his impressions through the meeting and expectations for the students. Since the entire session was conducted in English, students commented that they had a wonderful time, they want to improve their English skills, they want to know more about M L Gs, and they would like to visit Lake Biwa sometimes.

It seemed like a long 90 minutes, but it was a very meaningful time as each of the participants said that they got something out of it.
At the end, we took a photo with the “M of M L Gs” pose!