10月1日に「MLGsグローバルミーティング for kids」を実施しました。
*English below
さらに今回は、Sun Snow English 代表の輪田美幸さんが計画段階から共にイベントを作り上げてくださいました。

その後のディスカッションタイムでは、琵琶湖にはどうやって行くの?どんなアクティビティをしたことがある?などと質問を交えながら大学生のファシリテーターと共に2グループに分かれて「I like Lake Biwa because…」の文章を完成させていきました。

I like Lake Biwa because I can see various fishes.
I like Lake Biwa because it makes me comfortable.
I like Lake Biwa because it is the biggest Lake in Japan.
I like Lake Biwa because I can feel the beautiful nature.
I like Lake Biwa because it has a lot of species.


Hello, my name is Marina Hata from Impact Lab.
We held MLGs Global Meeting for Kids on October 1st!
This was the second time for us to do this series, which was first held on August 23rd.
That was for high school and university students and for this time, we did this for 5-6th grade in Elementary school and 1-3rd grade in Junior High school.
About 20 participants gathered from inside and outside of the Shiga prefecture including observers, two Japanese university students and two exchange university students from Indonesia.
University students gave many opportunities for Kids to speak English and supported them to speak what they really wanted to express.
For this time, Ms. Miyuki Wada, who is the representative of Sun Snow English, made this happen together.
We were all impressed that the kids could join the zoom smoothly which we did not expect, and they were fully aggressive to every moment during the session.
We introduced ourselves first, and kids were coming from so many areas and in different ages which were so fresh and exciting for them.
Same as the previous session, I gave a presentation on basic information about MLGs, Shiga prefecture and SDGs.
I was so surprised that many kids knew what SDGs stood for and they had seen it at school. Some of them already knew that MLGs exist!

During the group discussion, each group asked some questions like “How do you get to Lake Biwa?” each other and thought about why they like Lake Biwa with the sample template “I like Lake Biwa because…”

Here are some answers that Kids shared after the discussion. They all presented what they wrote and also university students who are the supporters shared what the group discussion was like.
I like Lake Biwa because I can see various fishes.
I like Lake Biwa because it makes me comfortable.
I like Lake Biwa because it is the biggest Lake in Japan.
I like Lake Biwa because I can feel the beautiful nature.
I like Lake Biwa because it has a lot of species.
Of course we got some feedback from foreign students and the kids seemed so happy to hear that. At the end, kids shared their feedback as well one by one.
Some feedback : “I would like to improve my English skills.” “I would like to do volunteer work in Lake Biwa.” “I would like to know more about nature.”

Observers voice
It was surprising that the participants’ English level was very high. Talking English with university students and international students by using Zoom seemed to be difficult for elementary and junior high students. However,many students were trying to speak English actively. In the discussion part, students had a great discussion with facilitators by using both English and Japanese.Some students were shy to speak, but even though they all tried to tell their idea by their own words. Through these events, students could learn about the MLGs, and how fun speaking English is. They also experienced the difficulties of speaking English and using Zoom. I think that students had a great experience through joining this event.
From this feedback, we assume that kids could find out their next goals and find some more interests for them, and we are all happy to have such an amazing moment with all!
At the end, we took a photo with the “M of MLGs” together!